Art Courses & Workshops

I have been teaching traditional drawing and painting skills and techniques in studio since 2015, and online since 2020.

I began teaching classical drawing, and later, realist painting, in 2015, when I established my own private art academy, Classical Art Atelier. Since then, I have taught hundreds of students, from all kinds of backgrounds – amateur and professional, art students and graduates, young and old, and from all over the world.

In 2020, I rebranded my business under my own name Adrian Cooke.

Traditional drawing and painting methods and techniques have become more and more popular today, as many artists are trying to reconnect with real skills and an understanding of fundamental principles.

Topics, Subject Matter & Media

My courses range in topic, subject matter and media. Below is a list of some of these courses and workshops.

Studio Courses Studio Workshops Online Courses
  • Portrait Drawing
  • Life Drawing
  • Introduction to Classical Drawing
  • Bargue Cours de dessin (‘Drawing Course’)
  • Charcoal Drawing Techniques
  • Oil Painting Techniques
  • Portrait Painting
  • Painting Children’s Portraits
  • Direct Painting Method
  • Landscape Painting
  • En Plein Air Painting
  • Towards Impressionism: Sargent, Sorolla & Zorn
  • Baroque Masters: Caravaggio, Vélazquez & De Ribera
  • Dutch 17th-Century Genre Painting
  • Old Masters Techniques:
    • Vermeer
    • Rembrandt
    • Caravaggio
    • Da Vinci
  • Impressionist Painting
  • Abstract Painting

Studio Venues

My studio courses and workshops have taken place at some of the most well-known arts and education venues in Ireland.

  • Triskel Arts Centre, Cork
  • MTU Gallery (Crawford College of Art & Design), Cork
  • University College Cork
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
  • Galway Arts Centre, Galway
  • St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Kilkenny
  • Belltable Arts Centre, Limerick
  • Hunt Museum, Limerick
  • Cahir Arts, Cahir, Tipperary
  • South Tipperary Arts Centre, Clonmel, Tipperary
  • Coastguard Cultural Centre, Tramore, Waterford
  • Garter Lane Arts Centre, Waterford
  • St. Patrick’s Gateway Centre, Waterford
  • Mount Congreve Gardens, Kilmeaden, Waterford
  • Tourin House & Gardens, Cappoquin, Waterford
  • Wexford Arts Centre, Wexford